Reflexive Verb Agreement French

Reflexive verb agreement in French can be confusing for language learners who are not familiar with the concept. However, mastering this grammar rule is essential if you want to communicate effectively in French. In this article, we will explain what reflexive verbs are and how to use them correctly in French.

What are Reflexive Verbs?

Reflexive verbs are verbs that are used when the subject of a sentence both performs and receives the action of the verb. In other words, the subject of the sentence is doing something to themselves. These verbs are formed by adding a reflexive pronoun to the verb, which changes depending on the subject.

For example, “se laver” is a reflexive verb meaning “to wash oneself.” The reflexive pronoun “se” is added to the verb “laver” to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves. So, “je me lave” means “I wash myself,” and “tu te laves” means “you wash yourself.”

Reflexive Verb Agreement

Reflexive verb agreement in French depends on the subject of the sentence. The reflexive pronoun that is added to the verb must agree with the subject in gender and number. For example, “je me lave” is correct for a female subject, while “je me lave” is correct for a male subject.

In addition, when using reflexive verbs with a compound tense, such as the passé composé, the reflexive pronoun must be placed before the auxiliary verb “être.” For example, “je me suis levé(e)” means “I got up.”

Common Reflexive Verbs in French

There are many common reflexive verbs in French that you should be familiar with. Here are some examples:

– se lever (to get up)

– se coucher (to go to bed)

– se raser (to shave oneself)

– se maquiller (to put on makeup)

– se dépêcher (to hurry up)

– se souvenir (to remember)

– s`habiller (to get dressed)

Using Reflexive Verbs in French

Reflexive verbs are used in a wide range of situations in French. They are commonly used to describe daily routines and personal care activities, such as getting dressed, brushing your teeth, or washing your face. They can also be used to describe emotions and feelings, such as “se sentir” (to feel), or to express actions that are done to oneself, such as “se blesser” (to hurt oneself).

Reflexive verbs are also used in some idiomatic expressions in French, such as “se mettre en colère” (to get angry) or “se mettre à l`aise” (to get comfortable).


Mastering reflexive verb agreement is essential if you want to communicate effectively in French. Remember that the reflexive pronoun must agree with the subject in gender and number, and that it must be placed before the auxiliary verb “être” in compound tenses. With practice and patience, you will be able to use reflexive verbs correctly and confidently in your French conversations.

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